
Blue Ribbon Schools - Baltimore County Public Schools

Thank you for visiting the
Pinewood Elementary School Website

Penguin at Computer

Virtual Snow Day Learning Information

Office Support

Google Meet Codes For Classrooms

Grade Level New Schedules for Virtual Learning


Pinewood Elementary School Progress Plan Summary


 Pinewood Elementary
Schoolwide Positive_Behavior_Plan_2024-2025

2024-2025 School Events



 Kindergarten Registration

Click below to access the
BCPS Kindergarten Registration Packet

If you do not have access to a computer, please call our school office at 443-809-7663 for assistance.
School office hours are 8:00am-4:00pm.

Penguin Eating Ice Cream

Please call our school office at 443-809-7663 to get information regarding the registration process before accessing the online registration link below.
School office hours are 8:00am - 4:00pm

Click Here for Online Registration


Please click the link to view Pinewood's MSDE Report Card

BCPS Policies and Rules

Bell Schedule

8:30 1st Morning Bell (School doors open.)
8:45 2nd Morning Bell (Students must be in by 8:45 to be marked on time.)
3:30 Dismissal Begins (Walkers, car riders, Play Centers, and van riders
are dismissed first.)

3:30-3:45 Bus Dismissal

School Meals
For the 2021 - 2022 school year all students will have access to a complimentary school breakfast and lunch.

Pinewood is a proud Maryland "Green School"

The school has received recognition from the American Heart Association as one of the top state fundraisers for �Jump Rope for Heart� and the students are active supporters for "Kids Helping Hopkins". Pinewood students routinely compete and place in the music, art, Black Saga, Math 24 and other competitions held locally and statewide. Pinewood is committed to the development of strategic thinkers by providing a superior academic experience to every student for the purpose of maximizing each child's full potential.

Recent News

Pinewood’s Vision:

Pinewood Elementary School is committed to providing a positive and nurturing learning environment that engages every child through instruction that is customized and personalized to meet their individual needs and interests. We also strive to establish trusting relationships with students to foster a love of learning, and empowerment to become happy and productive members
of their community.

Pinewood’s Mission:

The mission of Pinewood Elementary School is to provide every student with a safe and supportive environment where students feel a strong sense of belonging and are motivated to strive and persevere to reach their fullest potential of academic excellence in literacy, critical thinking, and problem solving, while demonstrating kindness and respect for themselves and others.